Straightline w/ Belvedere @ The Atria

September 21, 2022. This was a fucking awesome show!  I honestly went to see Belvedere, as I couldn’t remember if I had seen them or not before, and either way, a cheap punk show at a small venue in town. Straightline I had never heard of, but I ended up getting a lot of footage of the band, and picked up a tee from them as well!  They really killed it up there!  Belvedere I have always known of.. I have had an album or two and listened to them before.  They are a good band, one I should love..  but for some reason, they just never stuck with me.  They performed fantastic, really well actually!  If it wasn’t for the bit of tension I got when they asked for requests and I yelled “know any Downway?”.  Ah well..  It was a fucking awesome night out!

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